Otter Fishing (v.Dogfish) PATCH 2/3

The next patch for Otter Fishing is here! The final patch is most likely to come out after the new year, depending on how long it takes to implement some things. (or I might even skip it and combine it with the big update, depends)

Whatever! Here's what's new:

+ Keybind editing for keyboard users!
+ Reworked controller input for controller users!
+ NEW SEA CREATURES: jellyfish and pufferfish! They WILL hurt you, but you can catch one of them so it's fair i guess
+ Minor visual tweaks!
+ Other small stuff like cleaning up code, combing oliver's whiskers, etc etc

I'll make a short tutorial on how to use the controller thing, but it should be self explanatory for the most part.


otter fishing v.dogpatch (2_3).html Play in browser
39 days ago

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